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Teaching Spoken English, Ethiopia


BBFI Missionaries Dwayne and Tammy Wright are looking for individuals to teach Spoken English in their school in Debre Zeit, Ethiopia. The opportunities can be either 6-8 weeks or 1 year long. Teaching experience is preferred.


Time commitment lengths are either 6-8 weeks for Summer school, or 1 year (Sep-June) for the school year. Both of these options are flexible. It is preferred that the individual have experience teaching in church, in schools, or even tutoring. The Wright family will help you to earn a TEFL certificate before arriving in Ethiopia. Debre Zeit, where the school is located, is a friendly, growing, rural community. The children are needing an increased level of understanding of English to prepare them for high school. The Wright family will provide housing and work permits (if needed) to enter the country, but living expenses are your responsibility to raise before coming. Teaching will be for 5 days a week, and curriculum will be provided.


For more information contact Brian Garrison, Associate Mission Director.