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Nicko and Denise Guyer

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Nicko and Denise Guyer were approved as WIN Missionaries to Guatemala in April 2024. They will be serving alongside BBFI missionary Karen Kolb and WIN missionaries Adriel and Kaitlynne Yos to make disciples of Jesus Christ through planting churches in Guatemala.

Nicko has a degree in Computer Science from NC State University and worked as a Software Engineer for the past 12 years before being called to full time ministry. Denise has a degree in Fashion and Textile Management from NC State University and loves sewing and being creative. They have four beautiful children who are just as excited to be missionaries as they are.

Their sending church is Mid-Way Baptist Church in Raleigh, NC. Before becoming members at Mid-Way, Nicko and his family have helped plant two other churches in North Carolina, and have served in many areas including teaching, children's ministry, church administration, leading worship, media, and tech. The Guyers look forward to God using their skills in new ways in the mission field of Guatemala.