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Teacher, Cambodia


Exciting Paid Missions Opportunity with Asian Hope and BBFI WIN 


My name is Cody Rogers, and I am currently serving as a missionary with the BBFI's World Initiative Network (WIN program). Together with my wife Arin, we have dedicated the past nine years to serving in Cambodia, working closely with the Christian non-profit organization, Asian Hope.I'm reaching out to you today to introduce myself and to share an incredible opportunity for those interested in missions. Asian Hope is currently in need of Christian teachers, and this could be an amazing chance for individuals, couples, or families within your congregation who have a background in teaching/education and a desire to serve internationally...and get paid to do it! For over 20 years, Asian Hope has been making a significant impact in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Through our three unique school systems - LogosAsian Hope International School, and the Village Development Program (VDP) - we cater to students from all socio-economic backgrounds, providing quality Christian education. Combined, these schools serve nearly 3,000 students daily, offering a comprehensive Christian education over a span of 10-15 years per child.It's truly remarkable to witness the impact we can have on the lives of these students, particularly in Cambodia, where we have the freedom to openly share our faith and values in our classrooms! We incorporate daily Bible lessons and integrate a Christian worldview into our regular curriculum, allowing our majority Buddhist students to see their lives through a Christian lens. As a country that is rapidly developing, Cambodia is in great need of workers (the field is ripe!), especially within the Christian community where only 1%-2% of the population identifies as Christian.For qualified teachers, Asian Hope provides a range of benefits, including airfare, relocation assistance, health insurance, free tuition for up to two children, and a supportive monthly salary. I have attached an image that you can share during your Sunday announcements if you're interested. If anyone within your congregation feels called to use their vocation and training for missions, please have them contact me directly. It would be an honor to connect with them and provide further information.Additionally, I wanted to mention that the BBFI's WIN program is an incredible resource designed to support missionaries like us. The unreached world truly needs more qualified Christian educators, doctors, nurses, engineers, and other professionals who are passionate about their faith. The WIN program exists to mobilize skilled professionals to serve abroad. Please encourage anyone interested in serving to connect with the WIN program to learn more on how they can be supported. To assist you further, I've included a few additional resources below. Just a heads up, the "careers" link may not be fully up to date, so it would be best for any interested certified teachers to reach out to me personally for more information.

Additional Resources:


For more information contact Brian Garrison, Associate Mission Director.

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